Category Archives for Blog

social media engagement with border media

Building relationships and social media engagement

If you’re looking to increase interaction and social media engagement, you’ve got to give your audience something that inspires them or provokes conversation. Give your audience something to be interested in by building relationships and…
Know Your Audience in social media and digital marketing

What do you want from Social Media?

It’s key to know what you want from digital marketing, what are your social media goals? If you’re already using social media for your business, take some time to review your accounts, what you’ve been…
social media platforms: social media company colchester

Which Social Media platforms?

Choosing the right social media platforms for your business to effectively support your digital marketing strategy is very important. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest. There are many different social media platforms that allow you…
social media analytics

Social Media Analytics

Social media analytics can help you to understand if all the work you are doing, the great content you are creating and posting regularly is effective. After everything you’ve done, you need to review things…